The Alleghany Highlands Early Learning Partnership (AHELP) is an umbrella of local support organizations focused on child development and wellness, early learning, and school readiness.
The Alleghany Highlands Early Learning Partnership (AHELP) strives to:
As a way to highlight early learning in the Alleghany Highlands, AHELP has collaborated with our community partners on the following outreach projects:
AHELP “Rock & Read” bags give new parents a jump start on how to cultivate early literacy and early learning in their infants. It’s never too soon to start reading and talking to your child, and the “Rock & Read” bags provide parents a framework on how to get started. Included in each bag is….. Ask your local pediatrician or health care provider for a bag!
Created in conjunction with the Alleghany Highlands Regional Library, this video series showcases early learning activities that parents and caregivers can watch with their preschoolers. Each video features a different developmentally appropriate learning activity which offers parents and caregivers examples of core skills to help prepare their child for success in kindergarten and beyond.